

Philadelphia Tax 'Detrimental' to Business

$2-per-pack hike is driving consumers outside of Philly

Regulation & Legislation

What's on SIGMA's Legislative Watch List?

Gummy Bear vapes, Paul Ryan's tax plan and more

Massachusetts repeals tax indexing; other states approve infrastructure measures

Sales decline 50% at stores along the border since 2013 fee increase

Ongoing initiative charges gas station owners with underreporting revenues

Convenience stores and truckstops see a lot of overlap in product offerings, but there are just as many unusual offers to accompany the more traditional ones. Here's a down and dirty look at the similarities and differences.

Swapping gas tax for sales tax piques lawmakers' interest

During 2014, approximately one-fourth of the state legislatures considered bills or budget proposals to impose some kind of state tax on e-cigarettes. Here's a state-by-state breakdown.

When Congress fails to act, pressure builds to adopt less-effective revenue schemes

"SWEET Act" would add about 9 cents to the cost of a 12-oz. Coke

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