7 Trends Driving Candy Sales Now

7 Trends Driving Candy Sales Now

7 Trends Driving Candy Sales Now

A novel year drives unexpected consumer preferences in candy sales

7 Trends Driving Candy Sales Now

Consumers Want Variety

In 2020, consumers searched for distractions to take their minds off the stress of the pandemic

As much as nonchocolate sales dominated the candy category in c-stores in 2020, the gummies subsegment was the real hero

Within the candy category, gum and mints certainly took the worst beating

CandyRific knows a little bit about novelty products.

Candymaker Promotion In Motion (PIM) saw seasonal success with updates as simple as unique packaging.

Dodge of Mars says he hopes to continue the move to help consumers forget about the challenging year they’ve just faced

One big trend we’re seeing is consumers’ demand for bulk and larger pack sizes