
CSP Magazine

CSP Tobacco: Backbar Boost

Why 2015 might be the year of the smokeless pouch.

CSP Magazine

CSP Fuel: Economy Class

The magic number is 54.5: That’s the target the government and automakers have agreed upon for the average fuel economy of new cars and light trucks by 2025.

Protein hits the spotlight as enhanced, premium beverages go mainstream.

You've heard of servant leadership? At CRU, Ty Bennett discusses "partner leadership"

MPC's Heminger says integration success demonstrates downstream value

A decidedly Montreal food: poutine. This rather simple dish is excellent in its basic form—french fries topped with gravy and cheese curds—and over the top with the variations that are now available.

As consumers and retailers seek more from their beverages, major manufacturers have mined multiple ways to draw their attention. Here’s a look at where their research and development teams moved in 2014.

For years, diet CSDs traded on the promise of fewer calories and, thus, fewer pounds packed onto consumers. In 2013, that promise hit the fan as online campaigns suggested the most common sweetener in the category—aspartame—is the source of numerous health issues.

Deal brings flavored-water and tea drinks to Canadian markets

How to manage your in-store categories before they manage you

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