Regulation & Legislation

Regulation & legislation news affecting the convenience-store industry
Regulation & Legislation

What's on SIGMA's Legislative Watch List?

Gummy Bear vapes, Paul Ryan's tax plan and more

Regulation & Legislation

Ill. Sales Tax Fraud Operation Nets $100 Million

Ongoing initiative charges gas station owners with underreporting revenues

Raids are draining Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund

Panel grills retailers, rejects arguments over interpretation of Fed rules

Judge approves settlement, which retail groups say is "deeply flawed"

Fed economist shows optimism in battle of confidence vs. complacency

Renewable fuels, SNAP, swipe fees among top issues

Opposing views of economy open CSP's 2013 Outlook Leadership Conference

Government shutdown, debt ceiling crisis affecting consumer financial views, says IRI

NACS Show: Record year but challenges remain, association president says

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