Regulation & Legislation

Regulation & legislation news affecting the convenience-store industry
Regulation & Legislation

On Call

Maverik retailer Brad Call to bring spirit of adventure to convenience store industry association

Regulation & Legislation

Judge Orders Halt to New York Credit-Card Surcharge Ban

New York credit-card surcharge ban violates merchants' First Amendment rights

Swipe reform put $5.8 billion in consumers' hands through lower prices, says MPC report

New tax on oil at refineries would replace levy on consumers at pump, pay for highways

7-Eleven launching its first political action committee (PAC) since 2009

State Rep Eugene O'Flaherty honored VERC for its leadership in hiring candidates who have gone through the Massachusetts Re-entry Program

Foam Ban Pushback; More than 1,000 NYC businesses say "no" to proposed ban on polystyrene foam foodservice

Massachusetts Raises Gas, Cigarette Taxes; Levy on smokes highest rate in nation after New York

Promotions, Taxes Give E-Cigarettes a Boost; Retailers in Boston & Minneapolis jumping on the vapor wagon: reports

Texas Changes Snack Taxes; Simplifies single-sized package rules for convenience stores

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