MFA Oil Co.'s new prototype for its Break Time retail concept is a 5,000-square-foot site in Lee’s Summit, Mo. It features a new logo and fresh exterior that unites the fuel island and store.
The store was designed to be open and inviting to customers. An open floor plan allows customers to see all of the store’s offerings, from the typical convenience items to the Smokestack Bar.B.Q offer.
“In this location, the first thing you see as you come through the automatic doors is our Smokestack Bar.B.Q,” said Curtis Chaney, senior vice president of retail operations. “The path is direct to this area, but the sight lines allow customers to see other food offerings.”
Other highlights of the site include a beer cave, high ceilings and stained concrete floors with a high-sheen finish that allows for the lights to reflect off the floor, making for a brighter atmosphere.
MFA also moved the checkout from the center of the store to the side, creating more space and inviting customers to peruse without feeling pressure to make an immediate transaction.
What the Experts Say
A simple and effective logo greets customers as they come onto MFA Oil’s Break Time lot. Clean, no-nonsense architectural lines complete the welcoming statement. As the customer transitions from the forecourt to the store, warm colors and textures great them and create a homey feel with an eclectic twist. The stained and polished concrete floor seems to reflect the dark ceilings, creating a retail canvas that is ready for the final touches, which include understated graphics that pop off of dark graphic walls to clearly and simply guide customers to their destination. —Mike Lawshe, president and CEO, Paragon Solutions