Under the original deadlines set in the FDA deeming rule for electronic cigarettes, cigars and other previously undeemed tobacco products, manufacturers would be facing important deadlines this year: May 8, 2018, for substantial equivalence (SE) applications and Nov. 8, 2018, for premarket tobacco product applications (PMTAs). Thanks to an extension issued last July, the SE and PMTA deeming deadlines are now years away.

Those updated deadlines are:

Aug. 8, 2021: Deadline for manufacturers of combustible products (such as cigars and hookah tobacco) to submit applications for SE, an SE exemption or PMTA.

Aug. 8, 2022: Deadline for manufacturers of noncombustible products (such as electronic cigarettes, vaporizers and e-liquids) to submit applications for SE, an SE exemption or PMTA.

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