The Boston Public Health Commission is considering a regulation that would require cigars to be sold in packs of five, provided that single cigars can continue to be offered for sale only if a cigar has a wholesale price of $2 or more per stick or a retail price of $2.50 or more per stick. The regulation would not apply to retail tobacco stores that primarily sell tobacco products and tobacco-related accessories. A separate proposed regulation would require that retailers selling electronic cigarettes obtain a permit to do so, that electronic cigarettes not be sold to minors and an increase in fines on retailers that violate tobacco regulations. NATO plans to submit comments on certain proposed regulations.
Below is the official notice as issued by the Boston Public Health Commission, with additional information on a public hearing scheduled for October 4th to take public testimony on these various proposed regulations:
Proposed Regulations
The Boston Public Health Commission is accepting written comments on proposed amendments to its regulations. The Commission proposes to incorporate into its Tobacco Control Regulation a prohibition on the sale or distribution of unregulated nicotine delivery products to minors, a restriction on the sale of loose cigars, and an increase in fines for violation. The Commission also proposes to incorporate into its Clean Air Works Workplace Smoking Restrictions Regulation a prohibition on the use of e-cigarettes in the workplace. A copy of the regulations can be found below or by calling 617-534-5855. Written comments may be submitted through October 10, 2011 to the Boston Public Health Commission, Board Office, ATTN: Jamie Martin, 1010 Massachusetts Avenue, 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02118 or by e-mail A public hearing is scheduled for October 4, 2011, from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. at the Boston Public Health Commission, 1010 Massachusetts Avenue, Hayes Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02118.
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