Angela Solis, store manager of Hruska’s Store & Bakery in Ellinger, Texas, says “old-fashioned ways” have always set the retailer apart from the rest.

“We know what many of them want before they ask for it.”

“Old school is what built our renowned tradition of deliciousness,” says Solis, who began working at the store as a clerk/cashier 20 years ago.

“At the same time, we realize this is the 21st century. We’re committed to continuous improvement so we can keep on succeeding. We’re always seeking ways to grow, to connect, to build a better what we call ‘skrumption,’ ” she says.

Connecting with customers helps Solis and owner/operator Theresa “Carrie” James provide a family atmosphere in the store.
“The most fun part is the customers. I like to spend time getting to know different people,” Solis says. “It’s to the point where we know what many of them want before they ask for it—and have it ready as they enter the store.”

Hruska’s features a huge selection of both seasonal and year-round gifts and home accessories. “We have a lot of stuff around Christmas, plus everyday gift items and apparel from [nearby] Texas A&M and the University of Houston. We have everything from candles to wind chimes and lighted trees. We like to think that we have the goods to help enhance someone’s home decor.”