

Self-Service Fueling Debuts in Oregon

Rural retailers report higher overnight sales as ban partially lifted

CSP Magazine

Is a Menthol Ban Within the FDA’s Reach?

Dating back to the Tobacco Control Act being signed into law in 2009, the conversation is picking up steam again. And the stakes could not be higher. Here’s a refresher on how we got to the current state.

‘For it’s one, two, three chews, you’re out, at the old ball game!’Chicago aldermen have taken a swing at chewing tobacco, banning it from professional and amateur sporting eve...

Significant legislative headlines from the past month

Sacramento regulation supercedes statewide action

Sodium-warning label draws concerns, comparisons to calorie-count mandate

These five local measures could affect tobacco retailers nationwide

Electronic cigarettes now subject to same rules as smoking tobacco

Says San Francisco laws violate free speech, First Amendment

Retailers hesitant to celebrate until amendment to liquor code is signed

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