interchange fees


NRF's Supreme Court Swipe-Fee Appeal

Details on retailer group's petition to review debit-card cap


C-Stores Look to Supreme Court on Swipe Fees

Merchants to petition high court to review interchange case

Settlement gives card networks "sweeping release" that doesn't fix problems, risks abuse

Panel of judges upholds Federal Reserve's 21-cent debit-card interchange fee

Panel grills retailers, rejects arguments over interpretation of Fed rules

Though Dale Williams is ready to implement EMV, or the latest round of data-security mandates ordered by the major credit cards, he’s not looking forward to it.

Judge approves settlement, which retail groups say is "deeply flawed"

MPC: K.C. Fed report shows consumers now have more choices for free checking

Decision “preserves the anti-competitive structure of the payments market”: RILA

Class action claims Arco, ampm franchisees overcharged debit-card gas customers

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