CSP Magazine

Data: The Consumer

Raw data from exclusive CSP/Technomic consumer survey

How often do you visit any type of convenience store?

At least once a day9%
4-6 times per week13%
2-3 times per week23%
Once a week20%
Once every 2-3 months12%
Once every 1-3 months9%
Less often than every 3 months8%

What time of day do you most frequently visit convenience stores?


We like to focus on data, programs and technology. But I like what Howard Behar, a former longtime president of Starbucks, says: Focus on people. Words such as clients, patrons and consumers sound like impersonal terms from a lab technician. We’re in the people business, and the more we appreciate that our job is to delight our fellow human beings, the more successful we will become. Think about the diversity of the people who come into your stores. Try to understand what they want and expect from you, then see how you can exceed their expectations. Our industry is in a unique position: We are nimble and, by nature, adaptive. Those operators who focus best on the human experience will be the most successful.--Mitch Morrison

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