Snacks & Candy

Holiday Candy Still Dandy, Says NCA

Survey shows sweets continue to be important part of seasonal traditions

WASHINGTON -- The National Confectioners Association (NCA) projects that retail sales of holiday candy in 2015 will be $1.6 billion; 85% of Americans plan on sharing a gift of chocolate or candy at the holidays.

holiday candy

Among all holiday candy selections, 36% of Americans prefer to find foil-wrapped chocolates included as part of a holiday gift. And chocolate Santas (46%) are preferred over chocolate snowmen (27%) or coins (27%).

When it comes to the Christmas classic, the candy cane, about 75% of Americans strongly prefer peppermint to other flavors.

About one third, and nearly half of all parents surveyed, will decorate a gingerbread house or man, and 62% of respondents will bake with candy or chocolate this year.

NCA’s 2015/2016 Seasonal Survey was conducted by 210 Analytics LLC using a database comprised of several million respondents who have agreed to participate in survey research. Interviews took place using a self-administered, online questionnaire. The survey was completed by 1,630 individuals in August 2015.

NCA is the trade organization representing the $35 billion U.S. confections industry.

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