
Chicago E-Cigarette Ban Snuffed Out

Committee now targeting menthol, flavored tobacco near schools

CHICAGO -- Chicagoans will be able to continue using electronic cigarettes in public places.

Chicago E-Cigarette Ban Snuffed Out

Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s attempt to ban the devices in venues where smoking is prohibited ran into opposition in the Chicago City Council Monday, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

The mayor was pushing for the ban as part of an effort to curb teen smoking.

The Finance and Health Committee instead agreed to ban sales of menthol and flavored tobacco within 500 feet of Chicago schools, the newspaper reported.

According to the Sun-Times, as reported by NBC Chicago, Alderman Brendan Reilly said he's using the e-cigarettes to try and quit smoking. He took a puff of an e-cigarette in the council meeting Monday to help further his point that an ordinance shouldn't punish people trying to kick the habit.

Smokers also face a 50-cents-a-pack increase in Chicago’s cigarette tax in 2014.

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