
Nevada Assembly Approves Smoking Bill

C-stores affected under one scenario

CARSON CITY, Nevada -- A bill to outlaw smoking in video arcades and child care facilities has won unanimous approval in the Nevada Assembly. Under current law, smoking areas for adults may be designated in child care facilities. AB118, approved late last week, would outlaw that practice if a facility serves five or more children, the Associated Press said.

The bill was sponsored by Assemblywoman Kathy McClain (D), who has said the state legislature needed to take some action to limit smoking in response to two anti-smoking initiatives that will be on [image-nocss] the November 2006 election ballot. The Assembly Judiciary Committee had refused to approve either initiative.

One of the initiatives, backed by the American Cancer Society, the American Lung Association and American Heart Association, would prohibit smoking in all restaurants and most bars. It also would outlaw smoking in grocery and convenience stores.

The other question, sought by the gaming industry, restaurant and tavern owners, largely keeps current smoking laws.

Both initiatives would prohibit smoking in video arcades and day care facilities. With approval in the Assembly, AB118 will be forwarded to the Senate for additional hearings.

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