
Update on FDA Schedule to Issue Proposed Tobacco Regulations

OMB reviewing proposal, Zeller to host tobacco webinar

Several weeks ago, the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products submitted a set of proposed regulations on other tobacco products to the Office of Management and Budget for review prior to being released to the public. These new proposed tobacco regulations are likely to cover cigars, pipe tobacco, hookah tobacco, and/or electronic cigarettes. The review of the proposed regulations by the Office of Management and Budget is a requirement before any proposed regulations are published.

At this time, the extent of the proposed regulations is not known and will not be known until the regulations are actually released. Once the new FDA proposed regulations are published, federal law requires a period of usually 60 days to allow the public to submit comments about the proposed regulations regarding the impact of the regulations and suggest any changes to the proposed restrictions. Then, the FDA will review all of the comments, make any changes to the regulations that the agency deems appropriate, and publish the final tobacco regulations. There is no specific timetable for the FDA to review the public comments and issue final regulations.

When the regulations are published, NATO will issue a report summarizing the proposed restrictions.

FDA’s Mitch Zeller to Conduct Webinar on Tobacco Product Regulations

Mitch Zeller, the new director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, will be the featured speaker at a webinar to be held on Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 2:00 P.M. EST, 1:00 P.M.CST, 12:00 Noon MST and 11:00 A.M. PST. Director Zeller will provide more details on his thoughts regarding key opportunities for the FDA to regulate tobacco products. To participate in the webinar, click on the link below at the appropriate time on Wednesday, Dec. 11 to be view the webinar and turn on your computer speakers to hear audio:

Those individuals attending the live webinar will be able to ask Director Zeller questions at the end of the webinar submit questions prior to the webinar via e-mail to

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