General Merchandise/HBC

Meth Bill Bama House Bound

Governor supports measure

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- A bill that puts controls on common allergy and cold drugs also used to make crystal meth cleared an Alabama House committee Tuesday and awaits a full vote today, reported The Decatur Daily.

Attorney General Troy King and local and state law enforcement officers called for restrictions on the sale of drugs that contain ephedrine and pseudoephedrine.

Convenience stores, supermarkets and full-service pharmacies sell the products in Alabama many with no limits on the number of packages allowed at each purchase, [image-nocss] said the report.

The bill the House State Government Committee approved sets limits on the number of packages of the drug a person can buy at one time. If the legislature passes the bill, consumers will ask for the drug at the sales counter, the report said.

We hate to do anything to make it inconvenient for people to buy the drugs they need, but the situation is serious, said State Representative Jody Letson (D). He compared the situation to gun purchases.

Production of the inexpensive and addictive drug has spread more rapidly over North Alabama than in other parts of the state, said State Rep. Frank McDaniel (D), who sponsored the bill. He said the problem, which was primarily rural, has now spread over the state, and lawmakers feel an urgency to act.

Governor Bob Riley has said he supports measures to control the sale of drugs used in making methamphetamines, the newspaper said.

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