

Looking Back With 2 C-Store Veterans Who Transformed 7-Eleven’s Foodservice

Here are some of the tricks Des Hague and Jeff Hamill employed to build a foodservice powerhouse


FDA Hires New CTP Associate Director for Policy and Partnerships

Natasha Phelps will assume her new role starting in May

Armstrong is senior vice president of restaurant operations, Yantosh is director of fresh food

Joe Zietlow, industry and trade association manager for Kwik Trip, is the new chairman of the board

Marketing executive departs Refuel, brings loyalty acumen to New York convenience-store retailer

Convenience-store retailer offering store-level jobs for new recruits, adding internal career fairs and development programs for existing employees

Matt High, senior sales manager for Sheetz MTO, dishes on convenience-store foodservice, his pride for his team and fostering a culture of inclusivity

Brad Chivington gone, leadership questions remain

Leading NOW shares strategies at Convenience-Store Women (CSW) event

Greg Parker reflects on changes in the industry, the future of foodservice and what his new role will be in 2025

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