fuel prices


Consumer Pessimism Deepens Even as Gas Prices Dip

National events overshadow local declines, says NACS


Hedging Your Fuel Margins

It's not a new story for petroleum marketers: between swipe fees, decreasing demand and rising wholesale costs, fuel sales are making life tough for retailers.

IRI examines how gas prices affect consumer-packaged-goods buying behavior

GasBuddy says as many as 33 states could drop below $3 by Thanksgiving

Two-week drop is the largest since last November, says Lundberg

Economic outlook trumps volatility at the pump: Zimmermann

New features, new opportunities and what to expect next from CSPnet.com

New tax on oil at refineries would replace levy on consumers at pump, pay for highways

Wholesale fuel supplier's iPhone app facilitates bulk fuel-purchasing

The U.S. average retail price of regular grade gasoline has resumed its decline, briefly interrupted between late August and early September.

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