
Fourth Generation Begins Career at Wilbur Curtis

Brant Curtis appointed to position of marketing manager
MONTEBELLO, Calif. -- The Wilbur Curtis Co., a leading manufacturer of commercial coffee and tea brewing equipment, recently announced the appointment of a fourth generation joining the family-owned company. Brant Curtis, great grandson of the company's founder, Wilbur Curtis, will begin his new career assignment as marketing manager.

In his new role, Brant will be responsible for creating and maintaining marketing strategy for the 60-year-old Montebello, Calif.-based company.

The announcement was made by Kevin Curtis, vice president of sales and marketing. "We are [image-nocss] so proud to welcome Brant to the Curtis team; his education and previous work experience will bring great value to our company. My grandparents would be so proud to see this legacy come full circle," Kevin Curtis said.

Along with past experience working for Curtis in inventory control and quality assurance (QA), Curtis also served as inventory control manager/warehouse supervisor for Peterson Medical in Utah.

"I am very excited to rejoin the Curtis team, and I look forward to using my experience and education to help promote the innovative, quality products my family's company is known for," Brant said.

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