
Why Thaw & Serve Breads and Baked Goods are Top Products for Your Business

Quality, freshness, flavor & convenience all in one
Photograph courtesy of Europastry

Do you still think a frozen product necessarily means it’s lower in quality than a fresh one? Sadly, many people misleadingly still do. Today, we would like to educate you on why thaw and serve breads and baked goods are the ideal products for your convenience store establishment.

When you freeze bread or baked goods while they are at their freshest, you stop the process of staling. This is the best way to capture all the fresh goodness and flavor of a high-quality bread or baked product. Freezing at their freshest, and then allowing you to thaw and serve at your store means there will be less waste, less labor, and more profit for your business. 

You can thaw and serve as you require, to make the product available for sale, reducing waste and leftover unwanted product. This is quite different from ordering bread directly from a bakery, which might be a few days old -i.e. stale- by the time you receive it. As long as bread and baked goods are frozen fresh (within several hours of baking), they tastes just as deliciously fresh when thawed; moreover, a lot fresher than “fresh” bread that has not been frozen, but has taken its sweet time during delivery to arrive at your door!

Thaw and serve also allows for a stable consistency in the quality and freshness; once you learn the amounts you need to thaw in order to serve your customers, you can regulate your inventory and stock, and say goodbye to unwanted waste, or even shortage. A healthy inventory of frozen products also means you don’t need to depend on deliveries on a daily basis, cutting costs all around, by reducing the amount of vendors, orders, deliveries, checks, payments, etc.  This makes for less interruptions, more convenience and the freedom to monitor and manage your inventory at your own pace.

Europastry’s range of breads and baked goods offer the best, most convenient solution to offer high-quality breads and baked goods to your customers. Our star products Brioche Euroclassic (made with real butter, free range eggs, and two fermentations, based on an authentic French recipe), Cristal Mediterranean bread and Dots (European donuts) are some of the many options we offer. We use only premium-quality ingredients, and bake according to traditional Mediterranean standards, with slow fermentation and no artificial additives or preservatives. We freeze immediately to ensure our products arrive at your doorstep even fresher than if they had arrived off a truck, “freshly” baked instead of frozen. We offer the ideal solution for the highest- quality, best-tasting Mediterranean-style breads and baked goods you can possibly offer at your establishment. For C-stores that have the opportunity to serve thaw and bake products, we also offer a range of breads for you. We are bakers. 

Learn more at

This post is sponsored by Europastry


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