Snacks & Candy

‘Stranger Things’ Happening in the Snack World

Hit sci-fi show triggers demand for retro packaging

HAWKINS, Ind. -- A Netflix original program has sparked consumer demand for a favorite snack in a new pack.

Stranger Things”--an eight-part science-fiction series that some have described as Steven Spielberg meets Stephen King, with elements of “The Goonies,” “E.T.” “It” and “Aliens”--is set in the 1980s and involves a missing child and another child with mysterious powers.

Hunt’s Snack Pack chocolate pudding makes a cameo in one scene, in its original metal can. The product now is packaged in plastic cups. This appearance has triggered an increase in demand for the product among fans, who want to buy it in its original packaging, according to a report by TMZ.

Enthusiasm has been so great for the pudding’s retro look that Omaha, Neb.-based ConAgra Foods Inc., which now owns the Hunt’s brand, is considering bringing it back to appease fervent "Stranger Things" fans.

“Snack Pack pudding has been a family favorite for years, and we’re thrilled it was featured on the show,” ConAgra’s director of brand communications Lanie Friedman told CSP Daily News. “We’re always looking for ways to better connect with our consumers, so if they want throwback packaging we’ll certainly consider it. Stranger things have happened!”

Gaten Matarazzo, who plays Dustin in the series, told the Broadly website, “I love pudding. Pudding is amazing! Pudding is delicious, and I love chocolate pudding—especially chocolate. Chocolate pudding is the best.”

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