

Heineken Unveils 2015 Summer Cities Promotion

Will offer limited run of city-specific bottles in 14 markets


Kansas Maintains 3.2% Alcohol Limit for Beer

Senate emphatically rejects full-strength proposal

Vallejo named GM of Year; recognizes Coke, AB, Altria, Crossmark, Dawn, Lipari, Paytronix

Two deals expand reach of third-largest U.S. brewer

Brewer turns to consumers to choose favorite styles for LTO

Announcement comes as embezzlement charges are filed against 8 former employees

Introduces limited-time Statue of Liberty packaging

Growth for all subsegments; full category sales up 6.5%

2014 year-end convenience-store sales data for beer, wine and spirits.

New flavor tested at spring-break events, on store shelves now

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