

Uber Expands Food Delivery Service

New hours, full menus with delivery “in as little as 10 minutes”


ZipLine Enabling ‘Connected-Car’ Pay at Pump (Video)

Signs agreement with SAP to broaden mobile payments at convenience stores

Customers can pay in store with iOS, Android smartphone, major payment type with app

Retailer offering new electronics, toys for the holidays

New distribution center will extend new-store search, mobile app will grow online ordering

First Data approval will accelerate customer compliance for both transaction types

Retailers across channels putting new emphasis on mobile projects, study says

Mobile-pay apps are gradually changing the way the c-store industry does business, accelerating the transaction process while opening up new methods of communication between the retailer and its customers.

Yes, drones and other new-age forms of convenience are coming, but what can we accomplish today?

P97 adds another partner with W. Capra in creating its in-pump solution

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