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The Latest on Beverage Bans & Regulation

New York City loses extra-large-soda battle; CSPI fires new shot at energy drinks

CSP Magazine

Tobacco: The End of the Beginning?

Even in early stages, the proposed e-cig regulations seem to be a win for brick-and-mortar retailers. The only aspect of the regulations that seems to have a direct effect on retailers is something most c-stores are already implementing: an 18-and-older age requirement.

Acquisition of Nicocigs complements distribution deal with Altria

How c-stores can win alternative fuels infrastructure race--if industry moves quickly

On the Western city limits of Charlottesville, Va., is the c-store deli of your dreams. As the flagship store of Tiger Fuel Co., Bellair Market has attracted widespread attention for its delicious sandwiches and local product offering.

Launching "Let's Get Her to Camp" campaign

Sharing outdoor photos with special hashtag generates donations to nonprofits

House Republican bill targets high cost of gasoline with more domestic production

Snacking incidents are are growing. What are consumers snacking on and where do they prefer to do it?

Will pass on savings to independent, chain-store members

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