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Consumers Buying Less as Fuel Prices Rise

Consumers are cutting back purchases at gas stations and convenience stores as the price at the pump rises, Gulf Oil CEO Joe Petrowski told CNBC on Tuesday.


E85's Price Crunch

With VEETC expired, retailers try to make the numbers work

Refinery production cuts, other potential supply disruptions counter weak demand

Land of Lincoln looks to level gas-price playing field in Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri

Remains top factor in choice of fueling location, says NACS

Bill would limit interchange rate to 1% for state-charted banks

Forecasts possible return of $4 gas, suggests Memorial Day could see $5 fuel

Providence, R.I., Bans Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products; New laws also prohibit pricing, promotional strategies

First branch in Gem State is petroleum, car wash equipment maker's 16th

State's "comprehensive review" finds little manipulation

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