Company News

Corporate retail news affecting the convenience-store industry
Company News

Kum & Go Celebrates 50th Store Opening in Colorado

Colorado Springs location focuses on fresh food, expanded offerings, sustainable practices

Company News

7-Eleven Franchisee Khan Denies Siphoning Off Funds

Chain conducted "secret buys" to investigate alleged wrongdoing; "witch hunt," says defendant

Smartphone usage driving shift to more seamless, personal interactions, says First Data

Report looks at how franchisees' "plantation system" worked

Report shows program participation down 34% from 2006

Includes former 7-Eleven CEO Keyes, former Giant Industries top exec Holliger

D.C. c-store FoBoGro seeing success with new breed of rewards program

Tells all franchise stores to perform internal audit ahead of field audits of employee files

R & R Takhar violated Fair Labor Standards Act provisions at 12 locations

Kum & Go co-founder William A. Krause passes away at 78

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