Melissa Vonder Haar

Freelance Writer...

Articles by
Melissa Vonder Haar

Page 46

Teen Hidden Tobacco Study Has Not-So-Hidden Flaw

Virtual environment does not reflect real-world buying patterns


Maryland Considers Cigarette Tax Hike

Opponents fear increase will encourage state-to-state smuggling

Arguments to Supreme Judicial Court start Dec. 3

Boston University expert questions latest DHHS claims on e-cig safety

UBS analysts believe company will take a less-aggressive stance on share

Fas Mart's Charitable Wish for the Holidays; Retailer teams up with Make-A-Wish for seasonal fundraiser

Uses annual Investor Day to outline innovations in smoke-free markets

But "don't break out the Cheetos"--the feds could intervene

Tobacco tax failure should provide relief to struggling retailers

Does the CDC's latest tobacco math really add up?

Retailers ponder whether and tobacco category; should be changed to &;nicotine category.

NJOY exec: Responsible practices now will ensure long-term survival

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