Thomas A. Briant

NATO Executive Director ...

Articles by
Thomas A. Briant

Page 10

NATO Responds to FDA’s Potential E-Cigarette Sales Restrictions

Association has submitted a proposal to work with the agency on a website for retail-related tobacco regulations


Potential Ban on Flavored E-Cigs at C-Stores?

FDA suggests restricting sales to vape shops

NATO urges retailers to oppose Montana, South Dakota ballot questions

NATO says bans not the answer to teen vaping

NATO provides state-level age-21 legislative summary

Document in response to court decision that prevents agency from acting while appeal pending

Retailer association hosts gathering on market, legislative issues

Concerns raised over illicit sales, fiscal impact on federal, state coffers

NATO reminds retailers to reach out to FDA on nicotine levels in cigarettes

Deadlines to submit thoughts on nicotine, flavored products and premium cigars pushed into July

Agency seeks input on nicotine levels, flavors and premium cigars

Proposals considered in 25 states so far this year

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