
Tobacco, cigarette and e-cig category news for the convenience-store retail industry

Tobacco Category Digest


Minn. Court Rules Cigarette Fee Violates MSA

Rejects state's attempt to impose additional healthcare costs


Cook County Cooking Up Increase

Board president proposes $1 cigarette tax hike

Buys rights to sell brands in U.S. duty free, U.S. overseas military outlets

Off-invoice discount reduced 50 cents per carton

The Chicago City Council Wednesday approved a 20-cent tax increase on each pack of cigarettes sold in the city, said the Associated Press.


Illinois ruling clears way for Kraft spinoff; U.S. Supreme Court appeal still an option

Investment, innovation to put UST back on the growth track in 2006

Oklahoma governor seeks new tobacco enforcement tools

Illinois Supreme Court to decide tomorrow on PM USA case

Ky. AG announces 40-state agreement with ConocoPhillips to reduce sale of tobacco products to minors

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