
CSP Magazine

Candy's Seasonal Meltdown

But is merchandising seasonal-candy early a risky practice? Do you risk driving holiday-weary consumers away? As with most things retail, the answer’s in the numbers.

CSP Magazine

Opinion: Join a Battle Worth Fighting

It is important for all of we decision makers to be politically engaged, to talk to our legislators and help educate them on the contribution you deliver to your local communities.

Discount grocer removing candy, adding better-for-you snacks at registers

Brand’s first candy bar under 200 calories

NCA identifies what drove candy growth faster than 184 other categories in store

Finalists announced; suppliers to vote for top managers across eight vital c-store categories

2016 class includes one of confectionery industry’s youngest CEOs

Ingredients for a sweet year included blast from the past, look into the future

Gluten-free, vegan and kosher, new snacks made from pure fruit. That’s it.

TV ads scored high in driving “desire” in Ace Metrix survey

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