
What they're saying about BK's new fries

Burger King will likely be slammed tomorrow with customers looking for a free sample of the chain’s new thicker-cut, lower-sodium French fry. The one-time Free Fries Friday is an introduction of sorts, but the revised side has actually been available in many markets for more than a month. Here’s what citizen-reviewers have said on their blogs about the new fry.

The overall assessment: Better than the old fry, but still not a four-star version. See for yourself. All excerpts are verbatim.

The new BK French fries resemble Roy Rogers regular cut fries actually, only they still have that crappy Invisicoat coating although not as much of it. I have to say they do taste a little better, as long as they are hot. Notably once I got some of them home, they did not nuke or reheat in the oven well at all. They are good for dipping but too thick for stacking in a sandwich. 

It is an improvement over the old ones, but not much of one.
French Fry Diary

I tried the new BK fries, twice. Both times I thought that they sucked. I gave it a second chance, because the change may have tainted my initial impression. It didn’t. Why the hell did they change them?

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Truth, Lies and In Between

Because of the thickness, these fries have an enjoyable potato-y fluffiness inside but still retain a decent crisp crust from frying. Salt use was fairly moderate and balanced.

I found that they retained a slight crispness even after the fry cools.

Overall, Burger King's fries are a definite improvement over the old ones.

Pros: Better than the old fries… that is, if you liked the old fries. Fluffier on the interior, and holds outside crunch well. Salt dispersion is better given increase in fry surface area. More area to dip ketchup, too. Just say no to soggy fries. Still just a buck for a value order.

Cons: Potato starch crust can be a turn-off to many. Interiors not as fluffy as perfectly fried natural cut fries. More fat/calories/sodium in single order? (New nutrition info still pending.) No ‘wow’ factor.

“The best fries in the business,” according to Leo Leon, vice president of global innovation for the franchisor. “We believe our new fries are the latest example of our commitment to quality and innovation, and we invite everyone to visit our restaurants and taste the difference.”

Patrons will get a free “value-sized” orders of fries tomorrow for as long as supplies last, according to headquarters.
Burger King’s take

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