
Bidi Vapor, LLC

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Vaping Update: Flavors, MDOs and the FDA

Tobacco and e-cigarette expert Azim Chowdhury discusses the current complexities of the vaping industry, including the future of flavors and the status of marketing denial orders (MDOs) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


Podcast: How Juul Settlement with N.C. Will Reshape Vaping

A leading vaping lawyer discusses implications of e-cigarette maker agreeing to pay $40 million to North Carolina

How one manufacturer is navigating the complexities of today’s vaping landscape

Ongoing FDA review and public scrutiny put the future of vape, flavors and disposables on the balance. Leaders from an emerging e-cig company take on these issues.

Visit Bidi™ Vapor’s product showroom at the NACS Crack the Code Experience through November 2020! 

These five elements are important to that demographic in creating a worthwhile yet consistent experience.