
The latest news on gasoline, diesel and alternative fuel retailing


Supply Crunch

International Energy Agency warns of "supply crunch that could choke economic recovery"


Gringo Pass Settles Over Leaking USTs

Ariz. Department of Environmental announces $45,000 payment

Approaching $1.50 per gallon at some stations; crude drops below $60

Retail gas price down 48 cents to $2.30, according to Lundberg Survey

Will support 2010 SCR engines


ConocoPhillips, CleanFUEL USA launch program to expand altfuel sites

The board of Canadian Tire Corp. Ltd. has appointed Stephen G. Wetmore as the company's next president and CEO, effective the beginning of 2009.

PMAA offers preliminary scorecard on industry-related Senate, House races

Lower gas prices not likely to reverse long-term driving changes

Detroit fuel outlet rebranded itself after now-victorious Democratic presidential candidate

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