Angel Abcede

Articles by
Angel Abcede

Page 51

Oklahoma Court Reverses State's Cigarette Fee

Attorneys argued ‘cessation’ fee a budgetary ploy


N.Y. City Council Votes to Raise Tobacco Prices, Tighten Restrictions

Mayor expected to OK new tax, ban on sales at pharmacies

Executives hopeful agency’s new direction will play out in a ‘thoughtful way’

Sixth state expected to join movement this year

Same-site results show improvement, but competition revving up

San Francisco may be just the tip of the iceberg

While delaying application deadlines, agency initiates youth-education campaign

Analyst assesses potential effects of low-nicotine announcement

Drafts of direct-mail, brochure materials published

CSP nicotine meeting examines new FDA direction, local ordinances

City council limits sales to 21-and-over outlets

New strategy emphasizes addictive elements of tobacco, revisits e-cigarette deadlines

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