Category Managers


Jones Soda Jumps on the Sparkling-Water Trend

Introduces its own line of no-calories drinks in four flavors

CSP Magazine

Road Trip Reflections

A cross-country trip shows an experience foodservice marketer how passion, the ‘hospitality gene’ and monstrous pancakes can help create successful coffee programs.

Forward-thinking Fillinup c-store concept evolves based on local needs (slideshow).

Despite pressures on core categories and other competitive challenges, Steve Loehr, the incoming chairman of NACS, has unabashed optimism about the c-store industry, believing that the channel is staying relevant as its core demographic changes. An exclusive interview!

Responsible for agency relations, brand equity and strategy, marketing, media, digital

Selects Toolbox category and customer analytics program

Auto repair shop partners with Protec, gets into biofuels business

What chains do consumers say get it right?

A “quick” year as chairman of NACS has Brad Call in a reflective disposition. Calling it a “groundwork-laying” year for a number of issues, Call, executive vice president of adventure culture for the 264-store North Salt Lake, Utah- based Maverik Inc., said his time with NACS was indeed an adventure in itself.

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