Tobacco E-News


CA Cigarette Tax Burns Business

$1-per-pack levy set for June 5 vote


U.S. Circuit Court to Hear Graphic Image Appeals

On March 9, 2012, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia granted the FDA’s motion to consolidate the agency’s appeal of the Nov. 7, 2011, federal district court rul...

Lorillard CEO details three-pronged strategy at consumer analyst conference

To date, legislative bills have been introduced in 25 states that would classify operators of commercial roll-your-own ("RYO") cigarette machines as either manufacturers or impose other regu...

Exclusive NATO-CSP Survey reveals a decisive winner

Less than 10% of booth space available at 11th Anniversary and Trade Show in April

RJRT new Get Engaged online program looks to help operators grow tobacco sales

NATO executive director provides the latest on taxation efforts at the state level

Committee to discuss nature and impact of dissolvable tobacco products this week

Bill to incrementally raise legal age passes House Public Health Committee

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