Thomas A. Briant

NATO Executive Director ...

Articles by
Thomas A. Briant

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NATO Show Is Just Weeks Away

Time remains for tobacco retailers to register for 2016 NATO Show


FDA Study Confirms Youth Reliance on Social Sources

Only 14% of youths surveyed reported buying cigarettes themselves

The strategy to advocate for tobacco regulation used to focus on one issue or type of restriction. Today, multiple restrictions or regulations can be found in a single proposed local ordinance.

Featured speakers include Mitch Zeller, Bonnie Herzog and Don Burke

Tobacco restrictions proposed by Emanuel would have devastating economic consequences

Minimum packaging requirements only take effect if city is sued over OTP tax

Illinois state law prohibits the city of Chicago from enacting Emanuel’s proposed taxes

The 2016 tradeshow will include regulatory updates, hot new products and an appearance by Mitch Zeller

NATO data shows St. Paul flavor ban will cost retailers $13 million

Eight states raised cigarette and OTP taxes last year

This year has been marked by both anticipation of the FDA’s deeming tobacco regulations and other actions. Here's a look at where several issues stand today.

Provides comments on PMTA applications, potential job losses

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