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Did Convenience Stores Sell the Laughs?

High-octane high jinks ensue when c-store store industry does April Fools’ Day

OAKBROOK TERRACE, Ill. -- Maybe it’s because we’re in the midst of the strangest political campaign in modern times, or maybe it’s just the new abnormal, but this year, something is in the air, and the April Fools’ Day jokesters were out in force for the convenience-store industry like never before.

Did they “break the Internet”? No. Did they “blow up social media”? Not so much. But there was certainly no shortage of funny.

Here is a by-no-means-exhaustive selection (we had to stop somewhere) of the jokes that c-store retailers, suppliers and related agents provocateur cooked up to misuse and amuse the industry and consumers for April 1, 2016. They covered the spectrum from foodservice to beverages to tobacco to services and more.








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