Power 20: The Futurists

Power 20: The Futurists

Mike Rodgers

Mike Rodgers is not tired of the word “disruption.”

Power 20: The Futurists

Mark Meisner

Despite being in only his second year in the convenience-store industry, Mark Meisner is tackling retail technology head on.

Before assuming leadership of IT in 2014, Gina Hitz spent 19 years in store development, where she applied an education in architecture and civic engineering.

Mike Templeton doesn’t care what “used to work.”

Emily Sheetz doesn’t use the word “disruption.”

Jenny Bullard politely chuckles when she meets young IT types who don’t know they’re using NACS technology standards.

Scott Zaremba is the thinking man’s retailer, a restless soul always looking for some way to improve on the status quo.

Skip Potter has spearheaded the information technology and in-store automation at convenience-store chain R.L. Vallee for more than 40 years.

Yummy.com has offered same-day online delivery of groceries in the Los Angeles area since before it was cool, back in 2002.

The tallest office building in Denver contains one of the city’s tiniest convenience stores.

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