The State of Foodservice 2022

The State of Foodservice 2022

The State of Foodservice 2022

Convenience retailers show their optimism and concerns for foodservice in 2022

The State of Foodservice 2022

Positive Energy

Optimism surrounding foodservice sales remains overwhelmingly positive at 74% even though it tapered after high hopes a year ago, when 88% of respondents thought it would improve somewhat or greatly.

When it comes to strategies used to bolster foodservice sales, carryout and selfservice coffee switched first and second place this year from last year, both seeing interest in the two approaches decline by several percentage points.

The cost of food is what 87% of retailers are expecting to be the most challenging business issue in the coming year, up from second last year and a full 10 percentage points higher than last year’s top issue: the labor pool, which dropped to third.