
Software Automation Leads to the Best Run Convenience Stores

ADD Systems

Convenience store management is always looking for ways to streamline its processes. Whether it’s a small family-operated store or a large multi-store chain, software automation that does the heavy lifting for repetitive, manual tasks can be a breath of fresh air for daily operations. Not only does automation give management countless hours back, but it also streamlines processes like shift reporting, inventory movement, scan data processing, reporting, and more.

Pricebook management that creates efficiency and profitability

Using automation with pricebook management is one of the best ways for stores to ensure they are profitable and staying competitive within the industry. With automation, vendor-cost files can be imported, avoiding manual updates and potential mistakes. The pricebook can also be managed centrally with retail calculated based on target margins, and then sent electronically to each of the stores, ensuring retailers are ringing up the correct prices at the register and maintaining their margins.

Shift reporting that is comprehensive yet easy to use

Automated shift reporting that is clear and digestible can help save time. By updating automatically from a POS system, manual number entry is avoided. With this task eliminated, shift reports are not something laborious and time-consuming for the manager. In the home office, they become streamlined and managed by exception. Discrepancies are clearly pointed out and remedied efficiently.

Make inventory management seamless with automated scanning

One of the most important goals of software automation is to eliminate human error. The days of recording inventory with Excel sheets or pen and paper are gone. Retailers can make inventory management less arduous by letting software do the work for them. Utilizing scanners makes inventory management efficient and, more importantly, accurate. Direct store delivery (DSD)  can be scanned to help retailers have a better understanding of supplier actions and better control of the products in their stores. Scanning can also help track waste, giving retailers an opportunity to reduce shrinkage and improve overall inventory control. Transfers from store to store are never lost because scanning tracks these movements, helping those who manage inventory see the whole picture.

Exception reporting and automatic notifications to drive focus

Data analytics are important for measuring a business's profitability.  While many marketing strategies may be used to increase sales, there are thousands of products to stay on top of in order to have a successful business. This is where exception reporting comes into play. Management by exception lets retailers set acceptable parameters. Scheduled reports that are automatically emailed can highlight anything that falls outside of these standards. This lets managers truly know there is something that needs attention. Rather than wasting time reading rows and rows of data, managers will know when it is time to act. Like exception reporting, automated alerts delivered in real-time can save hours during a work week. Alerts can be configured to be sent whenever a data point is out of an acceptable range. Write-offs, cash discrepancies, frequent voids and more can be sent, allowing any business outliers to be solved quickly.

Use scan data to be more competitive

Implementing an automatic export of scan data can save retailers money and make stores more profitable. POS scan data can be easily shared with distributors, manufacturers and marketing firms. They then offer discounts that can be passed right back to customers, allowing stores to be more competitive in their pricing. Tobacco scan data programs come with financial incentives to increase customer counts, sales and basket sizes. Vendors will also often use this data to help retailers with reordering and maintaining sponsored promotions.

Software automation offers convenience stores a competitive edge. Streamlining essential tasks, enhancing efficiency and enabling data-driven decisions leads to more accuracy and profitability. Automation empowers managers to focus on customer service and management to focus on strategic growth initiatives, helping their operation run smoother and smarter than before.

To find out more about how to implement the most efficient back office and home office solution, contact ADD Systems at 800-922-0972 or visit

This post is sponsored by ADD Systems


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