
CBD Sales: Channel Comparison

C-stores commanded the highest share of dollar sales
Photo by CSP Staff

Among mainstream retail channels, c-stores commanded the highest share of CBD dollar sales in 2019, according to data from IRI and BDS Analytics. Sales nearly quadrupled in 2019 to more than $70 million, which put CBD close to making the top 100 in-store categories by dollar sales.

That said, the c-store channel’s sales are about one-tenth that of cannabis dispensaries—which BDS Analytics pegs at more than $678 million—and its growth rate is less than multioutlet, which includes not only c-stores but also channels such as dollar and mass merchandisers. But multioutlet is quickly catching up.

52 weeks ending Dec. 29, 2019

ChannelSales, current ($ millions)Sales, year ago ($ millions)Change vs. year ago ($  millions)PCYA*
Cannabis dispensaries$678.5$588.8$89.715.2%

* Percent change from a year ago

CBD stat

Source: IRI, BDS Analytics

Click here to review complete category sales data. 

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