Chain Executives

A Fresh Alternative

Life has never been more on the go than it is now. We often hear our guests talk about their busy schedules and desperate need for quality convenience options—and we couldn’t agree more.

Fighting Fear with Science

Steady news flashes are becoming the norm in today’s world of electronic cigarettes and, unfortunately, many relate to the new trend of proposed bans popping up at local, state and national levels across the country.

It used to be that tobacco issues were for the most part confined to state-level excise tax increases. However, taking a step back and looking at the big picture, the landscape now includes tobacco-related issues at all levels of government, including federal, state and local taxation, restrictions or regulations.

Economic outlook trumps volatility at the pump: Zimmermann

Wawa opens 18th store in Orlando market, 27th in Sunshine State

Pilot Flying J developing new technology to check out customers, give managers more store time

This story begins with the incalculable value of my study group. With the best intent at heart, we challenge each other to become more strategic, more thoughtful and more creative in our approach to business. Founded by Western Washington University economics professor David M. Nelson, this approach has helped Parker’s reach remarkable levels of success.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” That, my friends, is Ferris Bueller genius.

As I sit down to write this column, kids are getting ready to begin another school year. My mother, an avid mall walker, can’t wait for these youngsters to get back in the classroom and out from underneath her feet.

How many customers left your property today with a plan for the next time they would return? Will they be back tomorrow for their morning cup of coffee? Or next Wednesday to get their car washed?

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