Company News

Study Groups, Employee Performance Strategies Team Up on Ops

Forming Operations Study Groups for c-stores, dealers, more
BELLINGHAM, Wash. & ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Study Groups, a division of Finance & Resource Management Consultants Inc. (FRMC), and Employee Performance Strategies Inc. (EPS), have joined forces to provide operations personnel with their own unique Study Groups.

Three distinct Operations Study Groups are being formed based on the firm's business focus: Company-operated convenience stores. Commercial fuels and lubes. Dealer operations.

The Operations Study Groups will facilitate the knowledge, skill sets, tools and peer-group support network to assist operations [image-nocss] personnel in excelling at their job in driving sustainable business growth and profitability through operational excellence.

Bellingham, Wash.-basedStudy Groups was founded in 1985 by Dr. David Nelson, with the objective of helping noncompeting companies get together to share experiences, solutions and ideas at regular meetings and to receive the benefit of reliable, comparative operating data on a monthly basis. Today there are more than 225-companies participating in 25-CEO and CFO Study Groups, with members operating in all 50 states, representing 10% of the U.S. fuel market, the firm said.

Alexandria, Va.-based Employee Performance Strategies Inc. ( along with its division, Convenience Store Coaches, was founded in 1997 by brother and sister Terry McKenna and Linda McKenna-Welch. EPS is a training and consulting firm that helps organizations improve their financial results by optimizing employee job performance; transforming human capital into financial capital.

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