
What consumers want on their summer road trip pit stop

Is there anything more American than taking a road trip? Movies have been made about them, books written and songs sung. Americans cherish their cars and taking to the open road for a sweet vacation continues to top the list of things they love to do.

According to a recent AAA Travel survey, nearly 100 million Americans—four in 10 U.S. adults—are planning to take a family vacation in 2019, which is slightly more than last year. Spring and summer road trips will top many of these families’ vacation plans—two-thirds will embark on a summer getaway, and just under half are making plans to travel this spring. No matter the season, the “great American road trip” remains a major draw for these families.

Road-weary recovery boosters

Unfortunately, long road trips can make for drowsy drivers and tired tourists. Neither is a good situation. They’ve tapped into their energy reserves and need to restore so they can be safe and also enjoy what they’ve saved up and planned for.

In 2018, the U.S Travel Association reported that leisure travelers (domestic and international) spent a total of $762 billion, up 6.1% from 2017. Food service was among the top two spending categories. There’s a pretty good chance that these folks will pop in to their local convenience mart for a little pick-me-up in between seeing the sights. Convenience store operators can help these road-weary customers to ramp up.   

While exploring the aisles, some travelers might reach for a cold, caffeinated beverage, cool bottle of water or hot cup of coffee. Others might choose to recharge with a wholesome snack or with one of the most recognized brands in the alertness aid category, NoDoz. This alertness aid helps wake people up when they’re feeling fatigued or drowsy. Whether they’re trying to recover from a late night on the dance floor or a long drive with the kids, travelers and tourists turn to these caffeine pills as the perfect pick-me-up to keep them going. Each pill has 200 mg of caffeine, equal to about one to two cups of coffee, so it’s a safe and easy way to help tourists and travelers fight fatigue.   

Ramping up energy levels, especially while on vacation, will ensure people make the most of those memories. There’s no doubt that catching a few zzz’s is still something most like to do when work is not calling, but mental alertness counts too, to ensure they enjoy every minute of their vacation—both on and off the road.

This post is sponsored by Associated Distributors


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