Top 202 Convenience Store Chains

CSP’s annual list of the largest chains in the convenience-store industry
Top 202 Convenience Store Chains


Maverik's proprietary items include water, sports drinks, energy shots, hot foodservice items, jerky, coffee and more.

Top 202 Convenience Store Chains

Alon Brands

Alon Brands Retail is the largest domestic licensee of 7-Eleven in the United States.

When Landmark plans new locations, it avoids sites near big-box stores and drug stores.

Western Refining's retail family of brands includes Giant, Mustang, Sundial and Howdy's.

In April, Mapco owner Delek U.S. entered into an agreement to purchase 48% of Alon USA, the largest 7-Eleven licensee in the U.S.

Giant Eagle's latest store is a hybrid of its upscale grocery store and the c-store, called Market District Express.

Jacksons recently added and rebranded 13 c-stores acquired from Danny's Family Cos.

Thorntons' commissary provides doughnuts and other fresh-baked products to stores in the Louisville area.

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