
One Size Does Not Fit All: Loyalty Members Have Preferred Messaging Channels

Convenience-store retailers can save money by learning who doesn’t want to receive certain types of messages
Paytronix loyalty report
Photograph: Shutterstock

Average spend per visit, month-to-month retention and average visits in the last 30 days are all indicators of how a convenience-store retailer’s loyalty program is performing, but there are many more measures.

Paytronix's annual loyalty trend report breaks down convenience-store retailers' loyalty program performance and how to maximize retention based on consumer trends.

The chart below shows the 50th, 75th and 90th percentile of convenience-store retailers’ metrics when it comes to loyalty members.


Part of personalizing loyalty includes using the customer's preferred channel or combination of channels for messaging. Some people are more likely to act on an offer if they receive it through email, while some prefer texts. There’s also an opportunity to reach customers with push notifications from the loyalty app.

The chart below represents the percentage of convenience stores, full-service restaurants (FSR) and quick-service restaurants (QSR) that use different channels for messaging.

Most operators use email, but many operators leverage mobile app push notifications to reach guests, according to Paytronix.


When looking at the percentage of campaigns by channel, email still pulls the heaviest weight.

More than 80% of campaigns rely on email to engage guests, although campaigns that include mobile app push messages represent more than 20% of campaigns for QSR and c-stores, according to Paytronix.

While most of these channels—especially email—are embraced by almost everyone, research shows some correlation between age and preferred loyalty channels, which is shown in the chart below.


Gen Z adults, Millennials and Gen X guests, for example, all express a stronger preference for mobile apps than Baby Boomers, according to the National Restaurant Association.

Preferred method of communication is just one aspect that can retain loyalty customers or drive them away. Read the full report from Paytronix for more.

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