
StrasGlobal Offers Help for C-Store Operators During Pandemic and Beyond

Introduces Resources for Retailers program, action plan, more
Resources for Retailers

TEMPLE, Texas — StrasGlobal, a provider of contract operations for gas stations and convenience stores, has introduced Resources for Retailers (RfR), a resource to bring real-world solutions to single-store and small-chain convenience operators during as well as beyond the pandemic.

In early March 2020, when few retailers had a response plan to deal with the depth of the COVID-19 crisis, c-store operations and consulting company StrasGlobal developed its own, which is one of the most comprehensive COVID-19 response plans available from a retailer perspective, according to the Temple, Texas-based company.

“We wanted to do our part to increase the COVID-19 knowledge base by sharing, with great detail, the actionable items that a relatively small operator like us was able to implement,” said Roy Strasburger, president of StrasGlobal.

Over the next few months, StrasGlobal shared every phase of its learnings and execution in real time with other retailers who might benefit from their learning.

“We found that our COVID-19 Response Plan was particularly informative and valuable for small operators who did not have the resources available to many large regional chains, and it and motivated us to expand our reach and value in the marketplace,” said Eva Strasburger, StrasGlobal director of strategy. “Believing that sharing knowledge and expertise means ‘all boats rise’ led us to create Resources for Retailers, a new content and services hub for single stores and small-chain operators.”

StrasGlobal’s Resources for Retailers will provide solutions for the challenges common to single-store and small-chain c-store operators before, during and after the pandemic, the company said. Drawing upon StrasGlobal’s experience as a “small operator in many locations,” RfR will provide a collection of reference materials, how-to best practices, templates and guidelines all made available at no charge. Written conversationally with a slant toward independent-minded retailers, RfR Dispatch monthly content will be written by subject matter experts and deliver real-world, actionable takeaways on a variety of topics. Additionally, RfR will create a community for independent retailers who are always competing for resources and attention generally more available to large operators.

In first-quarter 2021, RfR will also offer premium membership with benefits such as buying groups, share groups and various consulting services. To help RfR create the most relevant products possible, StrasGlobal has formed an advisory board composed of thought-leaders with gender, age, racial and mindset diversity. With experience and expertise from within and outside the convenience industry, this advisory board will provide input and feedback on RfR’s concept and content.

“Resources for Retailers is a logical extension of our COVID-19 Response Plan,” said Eva Strasburger. It’s been extensively researched and provides timely, relevant and needed resources for single stores and small-chain retailers to be competitive in today’s rapidly changing marketplace.”

StrasGlobal offer turnkey retail operations and management including administration and financial, store operations from staffing to marketing and merchandising to foodservice, and vendor negotiations and fuel management. The company operates retail locations in six states.

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