CEFCO’s 2015 store design was 2,000 square feet larger than its former format, with improvements in exterior colors, accents and lighting. Working with designer Paragon Solutions, Fort Worth, Texas, CEFCO changed virtually everything about its stores, including colors and graphics, equipment packages, restroom design and positioning, cold-vault size and position, and checkout layout.
With an extra 2,000 square feet to work with, where did the space go? Primarily, the foodservice area and offerings.
CEFCO segmented its food offerings from the rest of the store and used subtle tile and color changes to help differentiate the area.
“We added proprietary hot and cold grab-and-go foods and expanded our cold beverages to include store-brewed iced tea and iced coffee, as well as our private-label frozen carbonated beverages,” said Brett Giesick, who was chief retail officer for CEFCO at the time of the redesign. “Most of our food and beverage offerings tie back to the overall fresh branding of our new design.”
What the Experts Say
Change can be hard for some companies. But not for CEFCO and its prototype store. While keeping some of its legacy touches like the bold entrance, CEFCO introduced new materials and new brands to its customers. Stone, wood, tile and a fresh color palette were the start. These materials were used on both the outside and the inside as a consistent new look took shape. This set the pace for a new series of brands throughout the store. Fresh Eats, Fresh Yo and Fresh Joe are now signature brands for CEFCO as the chain charges full steam into fresh food. Each section is distinctive and can stand alone, and yet they work together to bring fresh to CEFCO. —Mike Lawshe, president and CEO, Paragon Solutions